I’d heard about the sacred stone from an old hermit who lived in a tree behind the shopping center. The stone was a local legend, supposedly dating way, way back to pre-pre-Columbus days.
Harry (the hermit) spoke in awe of the stone and said that a secret coven guards the stone and only they know its location.
I found it on Google Map. (Google knows everything.) When I arrived, the secret coven was offering a special to visit the stone. Only $15 if you brought some non-perishable food items for the local food pantry. I had some canned peaches in the car and saved $5.
The first time I visited the temple I took this photo. I swear that there was a hooded monk (or maybe it was a priest) sitting in the vacant chair, but he/she did not come out in the photo. Maybe I should have used film.
There was a strange but very pleasant vibe in the rock room. It felt warm, almost tingly. I could feel my muscles relax and my mind calm down. My eyelids start to droop but I didn’t feel sleepy. My heart slowed down and I felt light, almost like I was floating.
I found myself smiling and slowly circling the stone in a graceful, rhythmic way to music I could only hear in my head. I drifted into a dreamlike state and visions appeared offering wisdom and life guidance.
When I closed my eyes, I felt like I was lifted into another dimension. When I opened them, I was suddenly outside the temple. No mind music and the visions had faded. What the hell? Was that real?
I hadn’t eaten any mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, LSD, MDMA, smoked herb, swallowed opiates, sniffed glue,injected horse or licked any toads (at least not the day I was there). I know I didn’t dream it. It was real.
I’ve since returned many times and each time I had the same experience.
It transformed me.
I, too now worship the black stone. I bought a hooded robe (dark red with black trim) and I wear it all the time. I shave my entire body and paint my legs green. I live entirely on a diet of acorns and varnish and live in a state of heighten awareness.
If you’d like to visit the temple and experience what I have, just let me know telepathically and I’ll think directions to you.