Fluoridated Air-Keeping us healthy whether we want it or not.
It works for cavities why not acne?
There is always a little controversy surrounding fluoridation of drinking water, but authorities don’t really give a shit. If you drink municipal-supplied water you’re going to get some fluoride to protect your teeth. Period.
We do not want a population of toothless rubes ruining our reputation in the world.
If you are on a well, the CDC recommends adding a teaspoon of toothpaste to a glass of warm water and chugging it down first thing every morning. Minty toothpastes are the best. I usually add a couple teaspoons of sugar and some lemon juice.
Tastes great. I look forward to it every morning.
While water fluoridation is immensely profitable, executives at United Fluoride were pressured into boosting profits when they were acquired by Biegazoles, a hedge fund.
Executives being executives delegated the responsibility to their staff.
The staff had no frigging idea what to do and turned to the firm’s fluoride scientists. The directive: make us more money.
After extensive literature search, attending multiple fluoride conferences and writing letters to advice columns, UF’s best scientists were flummoxed. That is until a junior scientist, Dr. Abigail Wichtaw, described how her son would use tap water in his facial steamer to control his acne.
That was the answer they were looking for, fluoride aerosols.
Knowing that quarterly profit reports were due, the scientists skipped all the bothersome experimenting, paper-writing, double blind studies and debate and simply concluded that fluoridated air would be in the best interest of the public. They announced their findings on TicToc.
Management was ecstatic and turned things over to the marketing department. They had some brochures made and immediately began lobbying the CDC, FDA and EPA to endorse its scientists’ findings.
Things move slowly in Washington but if you connect with the right people you can get things moving.
Within a month it, was determined that fluoridated air was in the public interest and laws were passed requiring all municipalities to add fluoride to the atmosphere in sufficient quantities to maintain 100 ppm concentrations.
Seventy billion dollars were included in the recent infrastructure bill to accelerate implementation.
United Fluoride easily made its quarterly projections and is currently researching how to fluoridate food.